One shot: All the way

Requested by anonymous: Could you write one where the reader is a virgin and is very insecure of her body, so when things get heated between Tommy Conlon and the reader, she tells him about it and he reassures her and then he takes her virginity?

Pairing: Plus sized reader x Tommy Conlon

Warning(s): NSFW, 18+, protected sex

Word count:1275


A shaky breath left your parted lips as Tommy slowly pressed gentle kisses up and down your neck. He gently sucked on the soft spot beneath your ear, “Tommy” you whispered while you started to feel aroused at his tender affection.

A shiver ran down your spine when he moved his hands from your shoulder down to your full breasts, squeezing them before letting out a groan. “[Y/N] he gentle whispered before pulling away from your neck and looking at you, breathing heavily.

“What’s wrong?” your boyfriend frowned once he saw your aroused but worried expression. “Am I taking it too far?” he asked concerned and was about to remove his hands from your breasts but you stopped him. “N-No” you stuttered and bit your lip.

“What’s wrong baby, tell me” he gently said and patiently waited for you to reaction. Your heart started pounding in your chest, wanting to get rid of your little secret.

“I’m a virgin” you finally confessed with a shaky voice. Tommy was silent for a few seconds as he stared deeply into your eyes. This made you feel insecure so you slowly sat straight and removed his hands from your breasts.

“Really?” he asked after a few seconds. You nodded your head and frowned once his eyebrows furrowed. “Are you mad?” you asked him softly. Tommy’s eyes widened and he quickly shook his head, “No! Not at all!”, he quickly said before taking a hold of your hands, “I’m just confused to how a gorgeous woman like you is still a virgin” he finished and leaned closer, pressing a sweet kiss onto your lips.

Relief rushed through your body, “Because I’m insecure about my body. I never found anybody who made me feel comfortable enough to go all the way” you explained.

Tommy nodded his head. You smiled at him, “But I’m ready to go all the way with you” you whispered and watched a bright smile appear on your boyfriend’s face.  “Really?” he grinned and chuckled once you nodded your head.

He pressed another passionate kiss against your lips before pulling away, “We can stop whenever you want, and if it hurts too much, tell me okay?” he made you promise him. You nodded your head and squealed when he suddenly picked you up bride style.

“Tommy!” you gasped and clung onto his neck as he laughed and walked you to his room. “I always wanted to carry you like this” he sweetly said before gently placing you on the bed. After closing the door, Tommy rushed over to you and captured your lips in a passionate kiss.

You closed your eyes and ran your hands up and down his chest as he gently hovered above you. “I love you” he whispered, making your heart swell up in your chest. “I love you too”, you whispered in between the kisses.

Tommy continued his kissed down your neck while his hands roamed all over your body, squeezing your delicate thick curves. “Beautiful” he rasped before slowly undressing you. Your heart skipped a beat when he removed your shirt along with your bra, making you cover your breasts as the insecurity rose inside you again.

“No, don’t cover yourself [Y/N]” he whispered with a frown before gently removed your hands from your breasts. He leaned down and took one of your nipple in between his lips while massaging the other one.

“Tommy” you gasped and arched your back, feeling your arousal gather in between your thick thighs. Tommy closed his eyes, concentrating on bringing you as much pleasure possible. A few seconds later, he switched onto the other nipple and massaged the other breasts.

“Oh” you whimpered when he released your nipple and kisses his way down your body. Tommy quickly removed your skirt along with your underwear and let out a slow moan, “You’re gorgeous my love”.

His sweet words made your heart flutter as a blush crept onto your face. He quickly got off the bed and removed his clothes, his eyes never leaving your beautiful body. “Hold on” he mumbled and walked over to the nightstand, taking a foil packet from the drawer.

Tommy ripped the packet open before slowly rolling the condom onto his already hard length. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you watched him join you on the bed again and positioning himself in between your legs.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours again while slowly grinding his length up and down your sex. You moaned and dug your fingernails in his shoulders as the friction causes a shudder to run down your spine. “Oh baby” Tommy rasped and moved his hand down your body until he reached your sex.

His fingers ran up and down your wet folds, making him hiss at how wet you were for him. ”Tommy” you whimpered when his thumb gently circled your clit, your inner walls fluttering. You clenched your eyes shut at the delightful pleasure that ran through your body.

“I’m ready, please take me” you gasped and removed his hand from where you needed him the most. Tommy nodded his head, “Look at me” he gently ordered. You looked deeply into his beautiful eyes and felt awestruck.

Without a word, Tommy aligned his length at your entrance and gently pushed forward. His tip softly pushed through your hymen, making you hiss in pain. “Sorry baby” Tommy whispered with a frown and peppered soft kisses all over your face. You let out a small whimper when he continued pushing his length inside you until he had filled you up completely.

You took a few deep breaths as the unpleasant, burning sensation didn’t disappear, “Take your time to adjust baby”, Tommy’s deep voice gently spoke as he continued kissing you and whispered the sweetest things in your ears.

You closed your eyes and concentrated on the feeling of his length buried deep inside you. The kisses that he left finally started to affect you as you suddenly felt a spark of pleasure. “You can move now” you whispered.

Tommy nodded his head before almost sliding all the way out of you, only to gently thrust forwards again. You let out a relieved sigh as the pain slowly started to fade away as he took his time thrusting in and out of you.

Tommy bit his lip and hissed at how warm and tight you felt around him. He repositioned his thumb on your clit and slowly circled it in synch with his thrusts. “Tommy” you moaned and arched your back as immense pleasure ran through your body. A pleasant shiver ran down your spine as your inner walls started to flutter around his length.

“Tommy” you whimpered, trying to indicate that you were close. Your boyfriend groaned when he felt your inner walls starting to squeeze his length, “I got you baby” was all he said before wrapping your leg around his waist and thrusting deeper inside you his pelvic bone grinding deliciously against your clit.

With a loud cry, you fell over the edge and chanted his name as your walls clenched around his length. Tommy groaned loudly and also reached his climax, releasing himself into the condom.

He stilled inside you and collapsed on top of you. Your bodies were trembling from the aftershocks your orgasms. The sound of your heavy breathing echoed through the room. “Thank you” you whispered out of breath with a beautiful smile on your face.

Tommy grinned, “I love you [Y/N]” he rasped and wrapped his strong arms around your thick waist. “I love you too” you smiled and pressed a sweet kiss onto his shoulders

Tag list: @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @pleasantdreamqueen @disneymarina @harleycativy @koizorahana @itik-angsa @sparklemichele @melaninmarvel @amethyst09 @the-force-of-imagines @bossyboyd03 @sapphiretouch @pebblesz892 @stars8melanin @brittyevans @toc1985 


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